Tips & Tricks

The qualities of a good manager

What are the qualities of a good manager? Unfortunately, there is no unambiguous answer to this complex question, but it depends on many factors: type of work, goals, stakes, employees, etc.

Many studies have shown an interesting fact, namely the knowledge that technical skill is much less important than people assume.
What was much more important for leaders was the skills of emotional intelligence the ability to understand and control emotions, both of their own and others.

Find out some of the qualities of a good manager:

1. He is a good coach
Instead of solving every problem as soon as it arises, the best managers use the problems as learning opportunities.
2. Motivates people
Great managers give people the freedom to explore ideas, take smart risks and learn from mistakes.
3. He is responsible
It assumes responsibility for its actions and the actions of its employees.
4. He is productive and results-oriented
A real manager leads by example and is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and help his people, and ultimately that motivates the rest of his team to progress.
5. He is empathic
The best managers are great listeners. This helps them better understand their team and thus shows the right empathy.

6. He develops
Great managers are always looking for new knowledge to improve themselves and their business.
7. Has a clear vision
Great managers know exactly what stage the project is at, how its manpower is progressing, and what obstacles it encounters. Through good communication, he helps the team and he is involved in the processes.
8. Delegates with trust, not fear
A healthy working environment is based on trust that brings stability to the business.
9. Cooperate effectively
The best managers always look at the bigger picture, work for the benefit of the company as a whole, and by their example encourage others to do the same.
10. Ready to make important decisions
Great managers aren't impulsive, but they're determined.
After being introduced to the facts and careful consideration, they move forward - even if it requires a decision that not everyone will approve and ultimately commit to that decision.

Image source: Unsplash, Pexels

managerempathysocial skillsmaking decisionstrustProductivitydevelopmentcoachvisionmotivation

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