Tips & Tricks

The importance of communication skills

Having strong communication skills will help you at every stage of your life and this is true even in the workplace. Developed communication skills inspire others and create clear directions and expectations at work.

Effective communication is, therefore, a key interpersonal skill and improving your communication skills has many advantages.
However, it is difficult for many people to know where to start.
There are many tips, tricks and techniques to improve communication skills and we bring several of the most important ones:

Think before you speak

It may sound simple, but thinking before you speak has great importance and it is easy to forget that in everyday life.
Before you say something that carries weight, think - is it useful, true, or necessary?
If an answer to these three questions is not required, then you probably shouldn't communicate it. Sometimes the things said cannot be corrected or deleted so you should watch out for control of your thoughts, so as not to burn bridges.

Nonverbal communication

Many studies and researches reveal the importance of nonverbal communication.
One study found that nonverbal communication accounts for more than half of the way audiences experience a speaker. This means that most of what you say is communicated with body language.
When communicating you should avoid tilting, folding hands, keeping and maintaining eye contact.

Learn to listen

We all tend to forget that communication is a two-way process. To communicate properly we must listen if we want to answer.
Many times instead of listening actively, we think ahead to what we will say next and we lose focus.
Listening properly means that you pay full attention to the person who speaks and truly concentrates on the content, verbal and nonverbal. Improving listening skills is likely to pay off with improvements in your relationships at work and home.

Picture source: Unsplash, Pexels

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