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EU travelers are still unaware of their rights

For those who travel frequently or for those who have experienced frustrating situations on their journeys, a few useful information will make future situations easier.

(BRUSSELS) - Only 43% of EU  citizens who have traveled by plane, rail, bus, boat, or ferry in the past 12 months know that the EU has introduced rights for passengers, a Commission survey showed Monday.

"The European Union is the only area in the world where citizens are protected, by a complete set of passenger rights," said traffic Commissioner Adina Valean: "However, these rights must be better known to be more easily understood and enforced. Our rules should also provide greater legal certainty to passengers and industry."

The Commission has already stepped up efforts to clear passenger's rights and raise awareness of them.
Take advantage of your rights and make it easier for yourself because sometimes you can find a lot of stressful situations on the road.
If you did not know you can report any irregularities, you would experience on your journey, within the EU at the following link: Passenger rights

Image source: Unsplash



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