Tips & Tricks

Do you also work part-time in addition to your permanent job? Beware of hustle culture!

Hustle culture is often called burnout culture because it often leads to burnout.

Everyone is familiar with the term hustle culture, i.e. a way of life according to which we should work hard and continuously with little sleep in order to achieve our professional goals. Hustle culture is often called burnout culture because it often leads to burnout. Are you looking for part-time or additional work in addition to your existing one? Already working two jobs? You may already be on your way to burnout. Job ads are all around us, but you shouldn't overdo it. Leave time for family and rest.

Proving in the workplace

Social networks are full of people posting pictures from the office where they stay late into the night, all in order to advance their careers. But can we say that people really enjoy stress, lack of sleep and not seeing family and friends? Of course not. Socializing and hobbies that are not related to work are not only dear to people, but also necessary for adequate rest and a better quality of life.

People most often resort to overtime work because of upcoming deadlines or the desire to prove themselves. And while there is nothing problematic about occasional overtime work, continuous overtime work leads to negative consequences, the most common of which we single out is a general lack of energy, a feeling of anxiety before going to work, the inability to relax outside of work due to thinking about work, and a drop in the quality of work regardless of the effort invested .

In Japan, which is known for its long working hours, the term karoshi was coined, meaning death from overwork. The Japanese are therefore actively working to identify and prevent this problem.

How to relieve yourself?

Despite the dangers to health and lower quality of life, overtime is still a badge of honor, even a status symbol, and people who spend more time at work than necessary are seen as loyal employees and people who are simply destined for great success. Well-known influencers and owners of large companies attribute their success to work and sacrifice, and messages about the importance of long working hours flooded social networks.

The question arises - how to resist all this?

Good work organization stands out as the simplest way to prevent overtime. If your working hours are eight hours and you complete all tasks in that time, there is no need to stay even a minute longer. Experts suggest creating a detailed work plan that you will put on paper. Set yourself small deadlines within the day to ensure that all tasks are completed on time. Don't forget to include breaks.

It is also desirable to include some form of exercise in everyday life. Namely, many studies have already shown that exercise affects the clarity of the mind, increases energy levels and reduces our susceptibility to stress. Take a walk, go to the gym, have fun with Pilates or Zumba, play a simple sport with friends a few times a week and you will notice a big difference in the way your body works.

Women in Adria suggests that you find a hobby that is not related to your job in order to relieve yourself as efficiently as possible. It does not matter if your hobby is learning a new skill or enjoying some form of entertainment, what is important is that you look forward to it, that is, that you will be happy to "catch up" with it after working hours.

Work-life balance is very important, so don't neglect your family and friends - especially not to stay in the office for a few hours longer.


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