Tips & Tricks

Are you unhappy at work? Think about these three things before you thoroughly revise your career

Have you been in the same workplace for a long time? Do you have a successful career? You got the promotion you wanted? You have everything but deep down you're not satisfied.

You feel it's time for a new job, but not only that, you're starting to wonder if it's time to transition to a whole new industry? Not so fast.
First of all, ask yourself what are the real reasons for discontent and whether you can afford the transition.

Interpersonal relations

If your source of discontent is hiding within your current company, it may not be time for a career change, but for a simple job change.
Quality communication is the basis of workplace satisfaction, and the lack of it can also affect your thinking about the very activity you engage in.
Before you decide on radical moves, think carefully about what's causing your dissatisfaction and whether it has to do with the current company, or whether it's hiding in the entire industry in which you operate.


You know those mornings when going to work seems like the biggest punishment? Does it happen to you often and do you then think with a cramp on your face about the work that awaits you?
Even in the most enjoyable work environments, if you hate your duties, it's a sure sign that you need to change quickly. Before you make a drastic decision to change your career, you might simply need bigger challenges, so get on the ball and think before you decide to change your career.


What if something unexpected happens in your new career?
Financial stability is an important segment when making decisions about change and during the transition itself. Building or adding to an existing emergency fund will help relieve stress and worries about starting a new career.
A good rule is to save three to six months of living expenses. Although this advice is somewhat standard, try to give yourself some breathing space, just in case your transition goes as planned.

Image source: Pixabay

changecareerhuman relationscareer changefinancejobtransition

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