Tips & Tricks

A waitress in the U.S. received a $5,000 tip

The waitress has experienced the best day of her career so far thanks to the Facebook challenge.

Billionaire Ernie Boch Jr.from Boston made an unusual gesture and cheered Jennifer Navario, a waitress at a fish restaurant in Seaglass, Salisbury, Massachusetts.

It all started because of a Facebook challenge launched by singer and actor Donnie Wahlberg, after he had left a $2,020 tip to waitress Danielle Franzon for $23. The challenge invites guests to be generous with their tips in 2020 and, if possible, to reward their waiters at $20.20, $202.00, or $2,020.00.

Ernie Boch decided to move the ladder even further.
Jennifer Navario wrote on her Facebook profile that Boch's generosity made her "an already dear job much better."
Navaria told CBS Boston how she recognized Boch and how she enjoyed serving his table for four. She didn’t see the tip until the group left the restaurant.
“I looked down and thought,‘ Oh $50, that’s nice," Navaria told WBZ-TV."At $157, that's nice. Somehow I took a better look at the bill again... I had to take a better look at the bottom of the bill. That's when I started "shaking," she said.

We hope that Ernie Boch also interested others who are ready to accept the challenge, because no one will refuse such a tip, even in the wildest dreams.

Image source: Pexels

Ernie Bochthe waitresstipchallengeFacebookrestaurant

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