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5 Signs You Need to Step Back as Founder of Your Startup

Levi King, CEO and one of the founders of Nav shared his experience and signs that made him decide to step down as CEO.

Try not to make such decisions overnight. They are a result of long-term consideration, weighing opportunities, shortcomings and they should not be approached lightly.
Levi King says, "My motivation for retiring was personal to me and I hope to write details about it one day because the new role I have gave me more time to look back on."
In the meantime, he shared with us 5 main reasons why it would be wise for one CEO – to resign from his job position.

1. You’re consumed by what’s urgent instead of what’s important

One of the symptoms that review you are losing control of your business, is if you only have time for urgent tasks and you can never focus on what is important.
This happens if you don’t have an effective system and you lack the right people who could devise you how to improve it. 

2. You lose passion for your role

One day you can stop feeling the passion for CEOs role because you can simply lose your passion for the constantly changing demands that the role brings. That doesn’t mean you’ve lost your passion for your companies. You’re just willing to be evolving into another role in it.
Changing roles can keep your original passion alive and burning.

3. Your business outgrows your skillset

If you are so good at your job you can reach a place where you need to fire yourself for your business to continue to flourish. The fact that your "baby" has in some ways outgrown you is a huge compliment.
Just because your own company has surpassed you in the role of CEO that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to pour your heart and soul into it in a whole new role.

4. Your anxiety reaches unmanageable levels

„I’ve written a lot about anxiety lately, as I found that excessive stress seriously damaged my ability to deliver as CEO. Thanks to an awesome executive coach, I learned ways to cope with it and even turn it into a strength.“says Levi King.
There’s no shame in acknowledging that years of leadership have taken a toll on you and that it’s time to recharge your batteries.

5. You lose control of the company because of poor decisions

Sometimes, you can put your foot in it so badly that you lose control of your company altogether. You can be personally responsible for creating an environment in which you’re no longer capable of leading like you once did.
If you dig yourself a hole that’s too deep for you to climb back out of, it’s time to move on.
Whatever your reason is for stepping down from the helm, embrace it as a doorway to new challenges and possibilities.

Read more here: Entrepreneur Europe

Image source: Unsplash, Pexels


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