
Discover why and how to reduce work dependence

Many of us are obsessively focused on work, and if we are talented for something and contribute to a greater good, it can certainly improve our lives. However, too much work can have the opposite effect.

Studies suggest that overwork is associated with several health problems, including chronic stress, lack of sleep, substance abuse, and even depression.
One of the obvious signs of a workaholic is if you can’t separate your thoughts from work even after you leave the office. For workaholics, work preoccupies most of their thoughts and affects private, interpersonal relationships.
Read on for a few tips that might help you if you identify with a group of workaholics.

You can’t always please everyone
If you think that constant and excessive pampering will make you successful, remember the long-term result that is likely to emerge, and that is burnout and disappointment.
Start by examining your ability to give, paying attention to your emotions, desires, and actions. When you are transparent to yourself and others about what you can and can’t do, it will make you more productive and keep you sane.

Find meaning outside of your job
As we have already mentioned, many of us dedicate our lives to work because the sense of satisfaction we associate with success brings great pleasure.
It is fun to be creative and solve problems, and at the end of the day to be rewarded with praise, progress in the work environment but also on a personal level. But it is important to have a creative and ispunjujuć and fulfilling life outside of the work environment.

Take a break
“A "reset" is sometimes needed to improve the quality of work and do. Set aside 10 minutes a day for yourself and your mental health.
Separate yourself from the world and others or meditate, listen to music or use some other techniques that suit you best.

Change small habits
Reducing work dependence is not just a change of mindset, it also requires changes in some established habits which is always a harder part of the process.
For example, if you show colleagues, a manager, and clients that you are available after hours by answering calls or checking emails on the weekends, you are setting a precedent. Think about how your daily habits are maintained on your work behavior and concentrate on correcting them.

Introduce rituals
The way the start your morning, it will reflect on the rest of your day. If you check your email before you get out of bed, you’re at work before you even get to the office. Determine the morning and evening ritual that has nothing to do with work and the business environment. Try not to skip them but make them a daily routine that will be your oasis of peace. Over time, you will gain a sense of greater control over your life, and it will be easier for you to accept new challenges.

Ask yourself what is important to you in life
After all, how you spend your time shapes your life and your values. If you want to overcome your work addiction, ask yourself why you want to reduce your addiction and what benefits will it bring you? How do you want to feel? What do you want to live for? Who do you want to spend more time with? Remember, time for yourself is ultimately important for achieving quality of life.

Image source: Pexels

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