Caregiver for the elderly and infirm - auxiliary worker

Ad ID: 370525395
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Caregiver for the elderly and infirm - auxiliary worker

Dom za starije i nemoćne osobe Leonardo
Veliko Trgovišće, Croatia
Job Description

The caregiver in the family home helps the elderly, sick and disabled by preparing and bringing them food and helps with the intake of food and drinks, maintains and cleans the living space, takes care of washing and drying laundry. The caregiver takes care of the personal hygiene of the user on a daily basis (washing, bathing, shaving, etc.), helps with dressing and undressing, changes the bedding, helps with movement and supervises the taking of medicines.

It is desirable for caregivers to be emotionally stable, patient, focused on helping people and to understand their different needs. Sometimes they find themselves in stressful situations in terms of deteriorating the general health of the person they are caring for. The job includes dexterity in performing small kitchen chores, maintaining the hygiene of the person being cared for and narrow medical knowledge (dressing, use of basic medicines, etc.), but all this is determined and supervised by a nurse, manager and representative of the family home.
Contact phone: 0953988631

Contact email:

Education Elementary School, High School
Work Location
Veliko Trgovišće, Krapinsko-zagorska županija, Croatia

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