Selector of photos and videos for social networks and galleries (m / f)

Ad ID: 220023647
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Selector of photos and videos for social networks and galleries (m / f)

Job Description

TasteAtlas employs a person who... now how to explain it... I'll try. Let's say we are looking for a person who would search and select photos and videos for social networks and galleries on the web itself . Our social networks have a total of over a million fans, so the responsibility is great.

So you are NOT expected to take photos, but to know how to recognize (and publish in a timely manner) good photos for our social networks.

The prerequisite is therefore, the first prerequisite, that you can distinguish a beautiful and attractive photo or video from those that are not . In addition, you must have a genuine interest and love for food, travel, the world, different cultures, people in general, and a solid general culture.

It is important that you are very hardworking, responsible and dedicated. If you're not, if you have a bad attitude and a weak work ethic, I'll get on your nerves very quickly and you'll say I'm a demanding monster. If you have a good work ethic, we will get along great, I have been working with many people on my projects for 10, 15, even 20 years. In the ideal scenario, you are independent and responsible and we meet once a month to say "well done, thank you".

Another prerequisite is that you write very, very solidly in English , that is, that you know how to put together/compile a sentence of two statuses well enough that no one from America comments "fucking Bulgarians".

It doesn't matter to me, of course, whether you are Bulgarian, Croat, Serb or Pakistani. Of course, work from wherever you want, except from the office. We don't have an office. is my email.

Contact me with a selection of 5-10 super attractive and atmospheric photos from different Instagram profiles (or galleries) related to local and traditional food and at least 3 videos from Instagram of the same topic, and associated statuses of two sentences each . Scrolling through our social networks can help you, you will see what is passing and what is not.

The photo from att passes, but it's a little too tight.

The initial fee for the trial period is a decent journalist's hourly rate that we agree on, with good results you can easily switch to whatever form of contract you want.

The contest continues until I find someone, but the first ones to come forward always have an advantage. It's because I don't know how to negotiate with several people at the same time, it's because speed is always very important.

Language English
Work Location
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